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Leif Percival ANDERSEN

Pubmed Publications List

Dept. of Clinical Microbiology 7806
National University Hospitai (Rigshospitalet)
Tagensvej 20, DK-2200 Copenhagen N, Denmark

phone +45 3545 7784

fax +45 3545 6831



Current position

Staff Doctor Dept. of Clinical Microbiology
National University Hospital (Rigshospitalet)
Copenhagen, Denmark.


  • 1982 Danish Authorization as a Physician (University of Copenhagen)

  • 1984 Full Registration as a Physician

  • 1996 Specialist in Clinical and Medical Microbiology


Professional experience

  • 1982 - 84 Second Lieutenant, Royal Danish Navy

  • 1983 - 85 Resident Surgery and Internal Medicine, Hillerodl & Sundby Hospitals

  • 1985 - 86 Resident Infectious Diseases, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen

  • 1986 - 88 Resident Virology, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen

  • 1988 - 93 Resident Clinical Microbiology , Rigshospitalet & Statens Serum Institut

  • 1994 - 96 Senior Resident Clinical microbiology, Rigshospitalet & Hillerod Hospital

  • 1996 Resident Infectious Diseases, Rigshospitalet

  • 1996 - Staff Doctor Clinical Microbiology, Rigshospitalet


Selected Honors, Awards & Editorial Posts

  • 1992 Hoechst, Denmark Antibiotic Award

  • 1993 Twenty Century Award of Achievement

  • 1996 International Man of the Year

  • Since 1994 In international bibliographies:
    Who's Who in the World
    Who's Who in Dictionary of International Biography
    Five Hundred Leaders of Influence


Since 1994 Reviewer for APMIS, Infection and Immunity, European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Gut and others.

Since 1996 Editorial board "Helicobacter"



  • Coordînator of "European Study Group on Immunology in Helicobacter Infection.

  • Organizer of "Pathogenesis and host response in Helicobacter pylori infection 1994" (130 participants), "IXth International Workshop on Gastroduodenal Pathology and Helicobacter pylori" 1996 (2100 participants) and 3rd International Workshop on Pathogenesis and Host Response in Helicobacter Infections 1998.

Research lnterest

  • Inflammation, phagocyte function in H. pylori infection

  • Cellular immune response to H. pylori infection

  • Humeral immune response to H. pylori

  • Adhesion of H. pylori to gastric mucosa

  • Coccoid forms of H. pylori

  • Diagnosis of H. pylori (spc. serology and PCR)

  • Epidemiology and risk factors of H. pylori

  • Pediatric H. pylori infections

  • H. pylori Infections in gastric cancer

  • Non-gastric H. pylori infections (spc. RA and Heart Diseases)


Selected Original Articles on Helicobacter

1. Andreasen J.J., Andersen, L. P. In vitro susceptibilty of Campylobacter pyloridis to cimetidine, sucralfate,bismuth and sixteen antibiotics. Acta Pathologica, Microbiologica et Immunologica Scandinavica, section B 1987, 95, 147 - 149.

2. Andersen, L.P., Holck, S., Povlsen, C.O., Elsborg, L., Justesen, T. Campylobacter pyloridis in peptic ulcer disease I. Gastric and duodenal infections caused by C. pyloridis- Histopathology and Microbiologic findings. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 1987, 22, 219 -224.

3. Andersen, L.P., Elsborg, L., Justesen, T. Campylobacter pylori in peptic ulcer disease 111. Symptoms, paraclinical and epidemiological findings- Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 1988, 23, 347 - 350.

4. Andersen, L.P., Holck, S., Povlsen, C. O. Campylobacter pylori detected by indirect immunohistochemical technique. APMIS 1988, 96, 559 - 564.

5. Kristiansen, J. E., Justesen, T, Hvidberg, E. F, Andersen, L. P. Trimipramine and other antipsychotics inhibit Campylobacter pylori in vitro. Pharmacology and Toxicology 1989, 36, 386 - 388.

6. Andersen, L. P., Holck, S. Possible evidence of invasiveness of Helicobacter (Campylobacter) pylori. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 1990, 9, 135 - 138.

7. Andersen, L.P., Holck, S., Justesen, T., Elsborg, L. The Helicobacter pylori colonized duodenal mucosa and gastric metaplasia. APMIS 1991, 99, 244 - 248.

8. Nielsen, H., Andersen L. P. Chemotactic activity of Helicobacter pylori sonicate for human polymorphonuclear leucocytes and monocytes- Gut 1992, 33(6), 738 - 742.

9. Andersen, L. P. , Espersen, F. Immunoglobulin G antibodies to Helicobacter pylori in patients with dyspeptic symptoms investigated by the Western immunoblot technique. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 1992, 30(7), 1743 - 1751.

10. Andersen, L. P. , Raskov, H. H., Elsborg, L., Holck, S., Justesen, T, Hansen, B. F, Nielsen, C. M., Gaarslev, K. Prevalence of antibodies against heat-stable antigens from Helicobacter pylori in patients with dyspeptic symptoms and normal persons.
A P M I S 1992, 100, 779 - 789.

11. Nielsen, H., Andersen, L. P. Activation of human phagocytes oxidative metabolism by Helicobacter pylori. Gastroenterology 1992, 103(12),1747 - 1753.

12. Andersen, L. P., Blom, J., Nielsen, H. Survival and ultrastructural changes of Helicobacter pylori after phagocytosis by human polymorphonuclear leucocytes and monocytes. A P M 1 S 1993, 101, 61 - 72.

13. Nørgaard, A., Nielsen, H., Andersen, L. P. Activation of human phagocytes by Helicobacter pylori- A novel interaction with neutrophils and monocytes distinct from that of N-formylated oligopeptides. Zentralblatt für Bakteriologie 1993, 280, 86 - 92.

14. Jensen, A. K. V., Andersen, L. P., Wachmann, C. H. Evaluation of eight commercial kits for Helicobacter pylori IgG antibody detection. APMIS 1993, 101, 795 - 801.

15. Nielsen, H., Birkholz, S., Andersen, L. P., Moran, A. Neutrophile activation by Helicobacter pylori lipopolysaccarides. Journal of lnfectious Diseases 1994,170, 135 - 139.

16. Wewer, V., Christiansen, K. M., Andersen, L. P., Hart Hansen, J. P., Henriksen, F W, Tvede, M., Krasilnikoff, P. A. Recurrent abdominal pain a result of an infectious condition caused by Helicobacte rpylori. Acta Pediatrica 1994, 83, 1276 - 1281.

17. Andersen, L. P., Espersen, F Souckova, A., Sedlackova, M., Soucek, A. Isolation and priliminary evaluation of a low- molecular-mass antigen for improved detection of Helicobacter pylori Immunoglobulin G antibodies. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology- 1995, 2, 156 - 159.

18. Johansen, H. K., Nørgaard, A., Andersen, L. P., Jensen, P., Nielsen, H., Høiby, N. Cross-reactive antigens shared by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Helicobacter pylori, Campylobacter jejuni and Haemophilus influenza may cause false positive antibody titers to H. pylori. Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory Immunology 1995, 2, 160 - 165.

19. Nørgaard, A., Andersen, L. P., Nielsen, H. Neutrophile degranulation by Helicobacter pylori proteins. Gut 1995, 36, 354 - 357.

20. Ødum, L., Andersen, L. P. Characterization of Helicobacter pylori ascorbic acid oxidase. FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology 1995, 10, 289 - 294.

21. Thoreson, A. E., Borre, M. B., Krogsfeldt, K. A., Andersen, L. P., Elsborg, L., Holck, S., Conway, P., Henrichsen, J., Wuust, J. Development of ribosomal 16S RNA primers for detection of Helicobacter pylori strains by polymerase chain reaction. FEMS lmmunology and Medical Microbiology 1995, 10, 325 - 333.

22. Nielson, H., Andersen, L. P. Activation of phagocytes by Helicobacter pylori correlates with clinical presentation of the gastric infection. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Diseases 1995, 27, 347 -350.

23. Andersen, L. P., Nørgaard, A., Holck, S., Blom, J., Elsborg, L. Isolation of a "Helicobacter heilmanii"-like organism from the human stomach. European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease 1996, 15 (1), 95 - 96. Originalmeddelelse. (medførte en leder på 4 sider).

24. Andersen, L. P., Rosenstock, S., Bonnevie, O., Jorgensen, T. Seroprevalence of Helicobacter pylori in an unselected Danish population. A cross-sectional study of IgG, IgM ands IgA to H. pylori. American Journal of Epidemiology 1996, 143 (11), 1157 - 1164.

25. Rosenstock, S., Andersen, L. P., Vallentin, C., Jorgensen, T., Bonnevie, O. Socioeconomic factors associated in Helicobacter pylori infection among Danish adults. American Journal of Public Health 1996, 86, 1539 - 1544.

26. Nørgaard, A., Andersen, L. P., Elsborg, L., Holck, S., Nielsen, H. Specific neutrophile hypo-responsiveness in chronic Helicobacter pylori infection. Journal of Infectious Diseases 1996, 174, 544 - 551.

27. Rosenstock, S., Andersen, L. P., Kay, L., Bonnevie, O., Jorgensen, T. Relation between Helicobacter pylori infection and gastroduodenal symptoms and syndromes. Gut 1997, 41, 169 - 176.

 Selected Review Articles on Helicobacter

28. Andersen, L. P. Cytoprotective agents and Campylobacter pylori associated acid peptic disease. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 1988, 23 supp. 142, 110 - 113.

29. Nielsen, H., Andersen, L. P. Cellular immunity to Helicobacter pylori. In Goodwin, C. S. & Worsley, B. Helicobacter pylori Biology and clinical practice. Boca Raton CRC Press, Inc. 1993, 257 -271.

30. Andersen, L. P. The antibody response to Helicobacter pylori infections and the value of serological tests to detect H. pylori and for post-treatment monitoring. In Goodwin, C. S. & Worsiey, B. Helicobacter pylori Biology and clinical practice. Boca Raton CRC Press, Inc. 1993, 285 -305.

31. Andersen, L. P., Nielsen, H. Peptic ulcer - An infectious disease? Armais of Medicine 1993, 25, 563 - 568.

32. Andersen, L. P., Newell, D. G. Serology of Helicobacter pylori infection. In Gasbarrini & Pretolani Basic and clinical aspects of H. pylori infection. Springer Verlag Berlin-Heidelberg 1993, 131 - 132.

33. Andersen, L. P. The use of Helicobacter pylori serology in diagnosis and treatment monitoring. In Gasbarrini & Pretolani Basic and clinical aspects of H. pylori infection. Springer Vedag Berlin-Heidelberg 1993, 133 - 135.

34. Andersen, L. P., Crabtree, J. E. Immunological aspects of Helicobacter pylori infections. The year in Helicobacter pylori 1994. Current Science 1994, 10 (special issue), 26 - 29.

35. Fauchére JL, Andersen, L. P. Immunological aspects of Helicobacter pylori infections. The year in Helicobacter pylori 1995. Current Science 1995, 11 (suppl. 1), 21 - 24.

36. Andersen, L. P., Nielsen, B. S., Nielsen, H., Nørgaard, A. Measurement of the interaction between Helicobacter pylori and phagocytic cells including chemotaxis, induction of the oxidative bursy, phagocytosis and bactericidal activity. In Lee, A. & Megraud, F Helicobacter pylori Techniques for clinical diagnosis & basic research. W B. Saunders Company Ltd. 1995, 245 - 261.

37. Andersen, L. P., Holck, S. Immunology. in Helicobacter pylori. An Atlas, eds. Malfertheiner, P., Michetti, P., Price, A. Current Science 1996, chapter 6, 6.1 - 6.5.

38. Bamford, K. B., Andersen, L. P. Host response. The year in Helicobacterpylori 1997. Current Science 1997, 13 (suppl. 1), 25 - 30.


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