Dear colleagues and friends,
The XXXIInd International Workshop on Helicobacter and Microbiota in Inflammation and Cancer will be held in Innsbruck, Austria, September 5 - 7, 2019.
I herewith cordially invite you to actively participate in this event.
I hope that you will have a stimulating and fruitful meeting and that you will enjoy Austria.
See you in Innsbruck in September 2019!
Prof. Dr. Herbert Tilg
President of the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group
Dear colleagues and friends,
The XXXIInd International Workshop on Helicobacter and Microbiota in Inflammation and Cancer will be held in Innsbruck, Austria, September 5 - 7, 2019.
I herewith cordially invite you to actively participate in this event.
I hope that you will have a stimulating and fruitful meeting and that you will enjoy Austria.
See you in Innsbruck in September 2019!
Prof. Dr. Herbert Tilg
President of the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group
European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group

NHMRC Helicobacter pylori Research Laboratory
Room 1.11 L Block
QEII Medical Centre
Nedlands, Western Australia, 6009
phone ++61-8-9346-4815
fax ++61-8-9346-4816
E-mail admin @
Born September 30, 1951, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia
Academic Education and Appointments
1968-74 M.B., B.S., Univ. of Western Australia
1977-84 Registrar, Medicine, Royal Perth Hospital
1985-86 NHMRC Research Fellow, Gastroenterology, Royal Perth Hospital
1986-94 Research Fellow and Professor of Medicine, Univ. of Virginia
1996 Professor of Research in Internal Medicine, Univ. of Virginia
1997 Clinical Professor of Medicine, Univ. of Western Australia
1999 Clinical Professor of Microbiology, Univ. of Western Australia
2003 NHMRC Senior Principal Research Fellow, Univ. of Western Australia
Selected Honours and Awards
1994 Warren Alpert Prize (shared with J.R. Warren)
1995 Australian Medical Association Award (shared with J.R. Warren)
1995 Albert Lasker Award
1996 Gairdner Award
1997 Paul Ehrlich Prize (shared with J.R. Warren)
1998 DR AH Heineken Prize for Medicine, Amsterdam
1998 Florey Medal, Canberra
1998 Buchanan Medal, Royal Society
1999 Benjamin Franklin Medal for Life Sciences, Philadelphia
2002 Keio Medical Science Prize
2003 Australian Centenary Medal
2005 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine (shared with J.R. Warren)
Links to websites
Barry J. Marshall's page at the University of Western Australia
Gastroman - an interactive game on how to treat gastritis, produced by, among others, Barry Marshall's daughters, Bronwyn Marshall and Carrie Marshall.