Dear colleagues and friends,
The XXXIInd International Workshop on Helicobacter and Microbiota in Inflammation and Cancer will be held in Innsbruck, Austria, September 5 - 7, 2019.
I herewith cordially invite you to actively participate in this event.
I hope that you will have a stimulating and fruitful meeting and that you will enjoy Austria.
See you in Innsbruck in September 2019!
Prof. Dr. Herbert Tilg
President of the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group
Dear colleagues and friends,
The XXXIInd International Workshop on Helicobacter and Microbiota in Inflammation and Cancer will be held in Innsbruck, Austria, September 5 - 7, 2019.
I herewith cordially invite you to actively participate in this event.
I hope that you will have a stimulating and fruitful meeting and that you will enjoy Austria.
See you in Innsbruck in September 2019!
Prof. Dr. Herbert Tilg
President of the European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group
European Helicobacter and Microbiota Study Group


Currently, there is no effective screening method for preventing gastric cancer in Europe. However, eradicating H. pylori bacteria is expected to reduce mortality by 40%, while early detection of precancerous lesions through surveillance offers another important approach.
The TOGAS project aims to reduce the burden of gastric cancer in the European Union by contributing to Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, specifically Flagship 4, which focuses on developing new cancer screening strategies and expanding screening options to include cancers not currently covered by European guidelines.
The main goal of TOGAS is to provide the evidence needed to design and implement effective gastric cancer prevention strategies across the European Union (EU). The project’s results will assist policymakers in integrating gastric cancer screening into healthcare priorities, considering its effectiveness, feasibility, and long-term risks.
TOGAS has three specific objectives
Assessment of the current situation and the needs of member states and target populations in gastric cancer prevention, including details on "opportunistic" screening initiatives conducted in both public and private settings.
Evaluation of the suitability of various gastric cancer screening modalities for implementation across the EU.
Ensuring the sustainability of the results through an effective dissemination strategy, and aligning the methodology with existing EU guidelines, including European Guidelines and Quality Assurance Schemes.
The project will also include three pilot studies focusing on specific aspects of screening and early detection, with cost-effectiveness modelling and ethical considerations being central parts of the research.
* This project has received funding from the European Union programme EU4Health under Grant Agreement No 101101252.
* Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or HaDEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Please visit the Website for further information and follow us on
Scientific Committee
Javier P. Gisbert, Francis Mégraud, Colm O'Morain, Leticia Moreira, Olga P. Nyssen and Ignasi Puig
The great diversity of regimens and treatment lines and the different efficacy of these, requires a continuous critical analysis of clinical practice, evaluating systematically the efficacy and safety of the different regimens and diagnostic-therapeutic strategies.
The evaluation of real clinical practice using non-interventionist registries will help to improve the design and organization of European Consensus on the management of H. pylori infection, which is the best way to establish healthcare efficiency.
Primary aim
To obtain a database registering systematically a large and representative sample of routine clinical practice of European gastroenterologists in order to produce descriptive studies of the management of H. pylori infection.
Secondary aims
To evaluate H. pylori infection consensus and clinical guidelines implementation in different countries.
To perform studies focused on epidemiology, efficacy and safety of the commonly used treatments to eradicate H. pylori.
To evaluate accessibility to healthcare technologies and drugs used in the management of H. pylori infection.
To allow the development of partial and specific analysis by the participating researchers.
Please visit the Website for further information and follow us on Twitter @hpeureg

RICHEN EUROPE is the European operating branch of the RICHEN GROUP, a major international group of medical device manufacturers with a global commitment. The company specializes in developing the best solutions for patients in the field of gastroenterology. Over the years our R&D department has excelled in the design and development of high-performance safe equipment and reagents for the diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori infection.
Click on the banner above to read more about the
3rd Open Competition 2023-2024 for research in the field of Helicobacter pylori
On behalf of The Richen Group, in collaboration with the EHMSG Members, we are glad to announce that 2 projects have been selected for the research development phase of the Richen Open Competition for research in the field of Helicobacter pylori 2021-2022:
1) Study on the detection of H. pylori with a 13C urea breath test after bariatric surgery: from an undetectable pathogen to a treatable diagnosis.
By: Philip Plaeke, Annemieke Smet
From: Antwerp University Hospital, Antwerp, Belgium
2) The predictor role of Urea Breath testing in Italian and Chinese subjects with presumptive HelicobacterPylori infection with or without previous COVID-19 infection
By: Leonilde Bonfrate, Piero Portincasa
From: Clinica Medica “A. Murri”, University of Bari, Italy
The findings of these research projects will be made available during the next year's workshop in Glasgow, United Kingdom, where a final winner's selection will take place.