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Erik A. J. RAUWS

Pubmed Publications List

Erik A.J. Rauws, MD PhD
Academic Medical Centre
Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology
Meibergdreef 9
1105AZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands


  • Born in 1951

  • Training Internal Medicine, Bronovo Hospital- The Hague (Dr. Schrijver, Dr. Haak) 1978-1984

  • Training Gastroenterology Hepatology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdarn (Prof Dr.G.N.J. Tytgat) 1984-1987

  • Gastroenterologist since 1987

  • Thesis Entitled: Campylobacter pylori - Promotor Prof Dr, G.N.J. Tytgat (July 1989)

  • Dutch Representative of the European Helicobacter pylori Study Group (EHPSG) since 1987-


Thesis Assessment Comittees

  • Witteman EM. Clinical and Pathophysiological. Aspects of Eradication of Helicobacter pylori (Thesis December 2, 1994) (University of Amsterdam)

  • Nurman A. Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy and Gastric Mucosal Blood Flow in Patients with Cirrhosis of the Liver (Thesis June 7th, 1995) (University of Amsterdam)

  • Louw JA. Helicobacter Pylori and Peptic Ulcer Disease, with Special Reference to the Western Cape, Grote Schuur Hospital, University of Cape Town (South Africa) (Thesis 1996)

  • Witteman EM. Clinical and Pathophysiological Aspects of Eradication of Helicobacter pylori (Thesis December 2, 1994) (University of Amsterdam)

  • Louw JA. Helicobacter pylori and Peptic Ulcer Disease, with Special Reference to the Western Cape. Grote Schuur Hospital, University of Cape Town (South Africa) (Thesis 1996)

  • Vreeburg EM. Acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding (Thesis April 10th, 1997) (University of Amsterdam).

  • Yong-Guang Wang. Therapeutic Endoscopy (Thesis April 10th, 1997) (University of Amsterdam)

  • Milligen v. Wit de AWM. Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis. Aspects of Pathogenesis and Therapy (Thesis May 23th, 1997) (University of Amsterdam).

  • Nieuwkerk V.CMJ. Pathophysiology of Biliary Lipid Secretion. (Thesis October 16, 1997) (University of Amsterdam)

  • Schenk BE. Studies on Helicobacter pylori and Long-Term Profound Acid Suppression (Thesis June 11, 1999)


Selected Articles

  • Langenburg W, Rauws EAJ, Widjojokusumo A, Tytgat, Zanen HC.  Identification of Campylobacter pyloridis isolates by restriction endonuclease DNA analysis.  J Clin Microbiol 1986; 24: 414-7. 

  • Rauws EAJ, Langenberg W, Houthoff HJ, Zanen HC, Tytgat CNJ.  Campylobacter pyloridis-Associated Chronic Antral Gastritis.  Gastroenterology 1988; 94: 33-40.- 

  • Langenberg W, Rauws EAJ, Houthoff HJ et al- Follow-up of individuals with untreated Campylobacter pylori-associated Gastritis and of Noninfected -Persons with Non-ulcer Dyspepsia.  J Inf Dis 1988; 157: 1245-9. 

  • Rauws EAJ, EA van Royen, W Langenberg, J van Woensel, A.A Vrij, GNJ Tytgat; 14C-breathtest in C. pylori gastritis.  Gut. 30, 1989, p. 798-803. 

  • Berg FM van den, H Zijlmans, W Langenberg, EAJ Rauws, M Schipper, Detection ofCampylobacter pylori in stomach tissue by DNA in situ hybridisation, J Clin Pathol, 42, 1989,P. 995-1000, 

  • Rauws EAJ, Tytgat GNJ, Cure of duodenal ulcer associated with eradication of Helicobacter pylori., Lancet 1990; vol 335: 1233-35. 

  • Davids PHP, Groen AK, Rauws EAJ, Tytgat GNJ, Huibregtse K. Randomized trial of self-expanding metal stents versus polyethylene stents for malignant biliary obstruction.  Lancet 1992;ii: 1488-92. 

  • Davids PHP, Rauws EAJ, Tytgat GNJ, Huibregtse K. Post-operative bile leakage: endoscopic management.  Gut 1992; 33:1118-22. 

  • Davids PHP, Ringers J, Rauws EAJ, Wit de LTh, Huibregtse K, Heyde v.d. MN, Tytgat GNJ.  Bile duct injury after laparoscopic cholecystectomy: the value of ERCP.  Gut 1993; 34:1250-54. 

  • Bemelman WA, Bosma A, Wiersma PH, Rauws EAJ, Brummelkamp WH.  Role of Helicobacter pylori in the pathogenesis of complications of Meckel's diverticula.  Eur J Surg 1993; 159:171-175. 

  • Davids PHP, Tanka AJF, Rauws EAJ, v. Gulik TM, de Wit LTh, Verbeek PCM, v Leeuwen DJ, Huibregtse K, v.d. Heyde MN, Tytgat GNJ.  Benign biliary strictures; surgery or endoscopy? Ann Surg 1993; 217:237-243.

  • Tytgat GNJ, Noach LA, Rauws EAJ.  Helicobacter pylori infection and duodenal ulcer disease.  Gastroenterology Clinics of North America.  Saunders 1993; vol.22; no. 1: 127-139, 

  • Noach LA, Rolf TM, Bosma NB, Schwartz MP, Oosting J, Rauws EAJ, Tytgat GNJ.  Gastric metaplasia and Helicobacter pylori infection.  Gut 1993;34:1510-4 . 

  • Rauws EAJ.  Reasons for failure of Helicobacter pylori Treatment.  Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1993; vol.5; suppl .2: S92-95. 

  • Bruno MJ, EAJ Rauws, FJH Hoek, GNJ Tytgat.  Comparative Effects of Adjuvant Cimetidine and Omeprazole During Pancreatic Enzyme Replacement Therapy.  Dig Dis Sci, 39,1994:988-992. 

  • Kimmings  AN,  Deventer  van  SJH,  Rauws  EAJ,  Gouma  DJ.  Pre-operative  endoscopic  drainage for malignant obstructive jaundice.  Br J Surg 1995;82:134-135. 

  • Calam MJ, Rauws EAJ.  Gastric Physiology.  In: The Year in Helicobacter pylori. Current Opinion in Gastroenterology.  Edit.  Malfertheiner P, Mégraud F et al. 1995;11 (suppl 1): 16-20. 

  • Bergman JJGHM, Rauws EAJ, Tijssen JGP et al.   Biliary Endoprosthesis in Elderly Patients with Endoscopically Irretrievable Common Bile Duct Stones: Report on 117 patients.  Gastrointest.  Endosc. 1995;42:195-201. 

  • Smits ME, Badiga SM, Rauws EAJ et al.  Long-term results of pancreatic stents in chronic pancreatitis.  Gastrointest  Endoscopy; 1995;42:461-7. 

  • Snits ME, Rauws EAJ, Tytgat GNJ, Huibregtse K. The efficacy of Endoscopic Treatment of Pancreatic Pseudocysts. Gastrointest Endoscopy; 1995;42:202-7. 

  • Reinders ME, Allema JH, Gulik van ThM, Karsten TM, Wit de LTh, Verbeek PCM, Rauws EAJ, Gouma DJ.  Outcome of microscopically non-radical, sub-total pancreatico-duodenectomy for treatment of pancreatic head tumors.  World J Surg 1995; 19:410-415 

  • Ende A van der, Rauws AEJ, Feller M, et al.  Heterogenous Helicobacter pylori Isolates from Members of a Family with a History o£Peptic Ulcer Discase, Gastroenterology 1996; 111:638-647. 

  • Meenan J, Rauws EAJ, Huibregtse K. Benign Biliary Strictures and Sclerosing Cholangitis.  In: Therapeutic Biliary Endoscopy.  Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America 1996; vol.6:1:127-138. 

  • Bergman JJGHM., Brink GR van der, Rauws EAJ. et al.  Treatment of bile duct lesions after laparoscopic cholecystectomy.  Gut 1996;38:141-147. 

  • Hulst van der RWM, Weel JFL, Verheul SB, Keller JJ, Kate ten FJW, Ende A van der, Rauws EAJ et al.  Treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection with low or high dose omeprazole combined with amoxycillin and the effect of early retreatment.  Aliment Pharinacol Ther. 1996;10: 165-17 1. 

  • Smits ME, Rauws EAJ, Tytgat GNJ, Huibregtse K.  Endoscopic  treatment  of  pancreatic  stones  in  patients  with chronic pancreatitis.  Gastrointest.  Endosc. 1996;43:556-60. 1. 

  • Schipper JB, Rauws EAJ, Gouma DJ, Obertop H. Diagnosis of right hepatic duct injury after cholecystectomy: the use of cholangiography through percutaneous drainage catheters.  Gastrointest.  Endoscopy 1996;44:350-354. 

  • Milligen de Wit AWM, Bracht M van, Rauws EAJ et al.  Endoscopic stent therapy for dominant extra-hepatic bile duct strictures in primary sclerosing cholangitis.  Gastrointest.  Endoscopy 1996;44:293-299.. 

  • Smits ME, Rauws EAJ, Gulik van TM et al.  Long-term results of endoscopic stenting and surgical drainage for biliary stricture due to chronic pancreatitis.  Br J Surg 1996;83:764-768. 

  • Wyeth JW, Pounder RE, Duggan AE, O'Morain CA, Rauws EAJ et al.  The safety and efficacy of ranitidine bismuth citrate in combination with antibiotics for the eradication of Helicobacter pylori.  Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 1996;10:623-630. 

  • Milligen de Wit AWM, Rauws EAJ, Bracht van J et al.  Lack of complications following short-term stent therapy for extra-hepatic bile duct strictures in primary sclerosing cholangitis.  Gastrointest.  Endosc. 1997;46:344-7. 

  • Nieveen Dijkum V.EJM, Wit de LTh, Delden v.OM, Rauws EAJ et al.  The efficacy of Laparoscopic Staying in Patients with Upper Gastrointestinal Tumors.  Cancer 1997;79:1315-9.

  • Gulik v.TM, Reeders JWAJ, Bosma A, Moojen TM, Smits NJ, Allema JH, Rauws EAJ et al.  Incidence and clinical findings of benign, inflammatory disease in patients resected for presumed pancreatic head cancer.  Gastrointest Endosc 1997;46:417-23. 

  • Bergman JJGHM, Rauws EAJ, Fockens P et al.  Randomised trial of endoscopic balloon dilatation versus endoscopic sphincterotomy for removal of bileduct stones.  Lancet 1997;349:1124-9. 

  • Wagensveld v.BA, Coene PPLO, Gulik v.TM, Rauws EAJ et al.  Outcome of Palliative Biliary and Gastric bypass surgery for pancreatic head carcinoma in 126 patients. Br J Surg 1997;84:1402-6. 

  • Rauws EAJ, Tytgat GNJ.  Helicobacter pylori,  gastritis  and  non-steroidal  anti-flammatory  drugs.  In:Malfertheiner P, Mégraud F, Michetti P, Price A (Eds).  The Year in Helicobacter pylori.  Current Opinion in Gastroenterology 13, Suppl 1:40-42, 1997 

  • Rutgeers P, Swain P, Rauws EAJ et al.  A randomized trial comparing single and repeated fibrin glue injection to injection of polidocanol, a scierosant, in the treatment of bleeding peptic ulcer.  Lancet 1997;350:692-6. 

  • Rutgeers P, Wara P, Rauws EAJ.  Randomised trial of fibrin glue versus polidocanol for bleeding peptic ulcer.  Lancet 1997;350 (9088): 1398, 1997. 

  • Vreeburg Em, de Bruijne HW, Snel P, Barteisman JW, Rauws EAJ, Tytgat GNJ.  Previous use of non-steroidal anti-­inflammatory drugs anti-coagulants:  the influence on clinical outcome of bleeding gastroduodenal ulcers.  Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 1997;9:41-4. 

  • Rauws EAJ.  Should Helicobacter pylori be eradicated before starting long term PPI ?  Ital  J Gastroenterol 1997;29:569-73 

  • Rauws EAJ, Tytgat GNJ.  Helicobacter pylori, gastritis and NSAIDS.  In: The year in Helicobacter pylori 1997; Current Opinion in Gastroenterol 1997; 13:40-42. 

  • Hulst v.d. R.W.M. Rauws E.A.J., Köycü B et al.  Helicobacter pylori reinfection is virtually absent after successful eradication.  J Infect Dis 1997;1176:196-200. 

  • Hulst v.d. RWM, Rauws EAJ, Köycü B et al.  H.pylori reinfection after successful eradication analyzed by RAPD or RFLP.  Gastroenterology 1997; 113:1082-6.  

  • Houben MHMG, Hensen EF, Hoff van 't BWM, Hulst van der RWM, Rauws EAJ et al.  Randomized trial of Omeprazole and Clarithromycin combined with either Metronidazole or Amoxycilline in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori in Metronidazole Resistant - or Sensitive Patients.  Gastroenterology 1998; Abstr.628 (In press: Alim Pharm Ther) 

  • Bergen Henegouwen van MI, Moojen Tm, Gulik Tm, Rauws EAJ, Obertop H, Gouma DJ.  Post-operative weight gain after stended Whipple's procedure versus pylorus-preserving pancreaticoduodenectomy: the influence of tumour status.  Br.J.Surg 1998;85(7):922-6 

  • Keulemans YC, Bergman JJ, Wit de LT, Rauws EAJ, HuibregtseK, Tytgat GNJ, Gouma DJ.  Improvement in the management of bile duct injuries ? J Am Coll Surg 1998; 1 87:246-54 

  • Sturm PDJ, Rauws EAJ, Hruban Rti, Caspers E, Ramsoekh TB, Huibregtse K et al.  Clinical Value of K-ras Codon 12 Analysis and Endobiliary Brush Cytology for the Diagnosis of Malignant Extra-hepatic Bile Duct Stenosis- Clin Cancer Res 1999;5:629-635 

  • Houben MHMG, Hensen EF, Rauws EAJ, Hulst van der RWM, Hoff van 't BWM, Ende van der A et al.  ­Randomized trial of Omeprazole and Clarithromycin combined with either Metronidazole resistant or susceptible Helicobacter pylori-strains.  Alim Pharm Ther 1999; (in press) 

  • Vreeburg EM, Terwee CB, Snel P, Rauws EAJ, Bartelsman JFWM, Meulen van der JHP et al.  Validation of the Rockall risk scoring system in upper gastrointestinal bleeding.  Gut 1999;44:331-5 

  • Houben MHMG, Beek van de d, Hensen ET, Craen de AJM, Rauws EAJ, Tytgat GNJ.  A systematic review of Helicobacter pylori eradication therapy; the clinical relevance of anti-microbial resistance.  Alim Pharm Ther 1999 (in press)


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