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Theodore ROKKAS

Pubmed Publications List

192 B Alexandras Ave.
Athens 115 21, Greece.

phone 01-64 31 334

fax 01-64 31 334



Current Position

  • Head of Gastroenterology Unit, 401 Army General Hospital

  • Assist. Professor, Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology, Athens, Greece.



  • 1977 Graduation in medicine, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki.

  • 1982 Graduation in Internal medicine, University of Athens.

  • 1982 Doctor of Medicine, University of Athens.

  • 1994 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), University of London.


Professional Experience

  • 1982- 1983 Registrar, 401 Army General Hospital, Athens, Greece.

  • 1984-1988 Research fellow, Registrar and Senior Segistrar, Gastroenterology Unit, Guy's Hospital and Medical School, London, England.

  • 1988-1990 Senior Registrar, 401 Army General Hospital, Athens, Greece.

  • 1990- Head of Gastroenterology Unit, 401 Army General Hospital, Athens, Greece.


Selected Honors and Awards

  • 1985 European Society of Clinical Investigation, Research Award.

  • 1986 European Society of Gastroenterology and Endoscopy,Milan.Research award for the best H. pylori presentation.

  • 1990 Annual Congress of the Hellenic Armed Forces Medical Corp. Research Award.

  • 1992 1st United European Gastroenterology Week. 2d Prize for Best Research Presentation.

  • 1994 Greek Society of Gastroenterology. Prize for Best Researcher of the Year.

  • 1993-1997 Prizes for best research papers. Greek Society of Gastroenterology.



Editorial Activities

  • 1992- Editor, Hellenic Armed Forces Medical Review.

  • 1992-1997 Associate Editor, Hellenic journal of Gastroenterology.


Research Activities

  • Participation in research contributions in over 150 national and international congresses. Invited speaker to 15 international meetings

  • Member of 20 international societies

  • Current research interests - H.pylori infection, oesophageal disease.


Selected Publications and Abstract

  • Two books in Greek (one in 1993 by T. Rokkas and one in 1998 with contributions by other authors) on the clinical significance and current molecular and clinical aspects of H.pylori infection

  • Approximately 110 full publications in Greek and English and 150 abstracts of which the following refer to H. pylori.

  • 1. Rokkas T, Pursey C, Sladen GE et al. Campylobacter pylori and non-ulcer dyspepsie. Am J Gastroenterol 1987, 1149:1149-1152.

  • 2. Rokkas T, Sladen GE. Bismuth effects on gastritis and peptic ulcer. Scand J Gastroenterol 1987, 23:Suppl 142 82-86.

  • 3. Rokkas T, Sladen GE. Infection with Campylobacter pylori - review article. J Royal Coll Phys Lond 1988, 22:97- 1 00.

  • 4. Rokkas T, Pursey C, Sladen GE et al. Non-ulcer dyspepsia and short term De-Nol therapy a placebo controlled trial with particular reference to the role of Campylobacter pylori. Gut 1988, 29:1386-91.

  • 5. Rokkas T, Filipe MI, Sladen GE. Early gastric carcinoma with particular reference to the significance of intestinal metaplasia as a marker of increased cancer risk. Gut 1991- 32:1110-1113.

  • 6. Rokkas T, Karameris A, Kalogeropoulos N, Arhavlis E, Tabakopoulos D, Giannikos N. Short and long term omeprazole effectiveness on Helicobacter pylori in duodenal ulcer patients. Hell J Gastroenterol 1992- 5:120-22

  • 7. Tytgat GNJ, Lee A, Graham DY, Dixon MF, Rokkas T. The role of infectious agents in peptic ulcer disease. Gastroenterology International 1993- 6:76-89.

  • 8. Rokkas T, Karameris A, Mavrogeorgiou A, Rallis E, Giannikos N. Helicobacter pylori eradication reduces the possibility of rebleeding in peptic ulcer diseuse. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 1995, 41, 1-4.

  • 9. Rokkas T, Papatherodorou G, Karameris A, Mavrogeorgis Kalogeropoulos N, Giannikos N. Helicobacter pylori infection and gastric juice vitamin C levels. Impact of eradication. Dig Dis Sci 1995, 40, 615-621.

  • 10. Rokkas T, Mavrogeorgis A, Liatsos C. Rallis E. Evaluation of the combination of omeprazole and amoxycillin in eradicating H. pylori and preventing relapses in duodenal ulcer patients. Hepato-Gastroenterology 1995, 42, 842-846.

  • 11. Rokkas T, Karameris A, Liatsos C, Anagnostopoulos J, Mavrogeorgis A, Giannikos N. Helicobacter pylori eradication rates and long-term clinical course in duodenal ulcer patients treated either with triple therapy or amoxicillin/omeprazole. Hell J Gastroenterol 1996- 9(2):142-146 .

  • 12. Rokkas T, Liatsos C, Petridou E Infection with Helicobacter pylori and gastroduodenal disease. latriki Epitheorisis Enoplon Dynameon (Hellenic Arined Forces Médical Directorate)1997-, Vol 30 (Suppl) 1-9.

  • 13. Labenz J, Rokkas T. Helicobacter pylori and dyspepsia. Current opinion in Gastroenterology 1997, 13:48-51.

  • 14. Rokkas T, Liatsos C, Petridou E, Papatheodorou G, Karameris A, Ladas S, Raptis S. Does Helicobacter pylori CagA(+) phenotype influence gastric juice vitamin C levels? Gastroenterology 1997; A934:3726..

  • 15. Rokkas T, Liatsos C, Petridou Ev, Papatheodorou G, Karameris A. Atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia in Helicobacter pylori infection The role of the CagA phenotype. Endoscopy 1997: 29:E36(P453).

  • 16. Karameris A, Rokkas T, Liatsos C, Petridou E, Kalafatis E, Tsilalis T, Nanos E. Immune mechanisms of Helicobacter pylori involvement in the pathogenesis of MALT-lymphomas of the stomach. Gastroenterology 1998- AGA abstact.

  • 17. Rokkas T, Liatsos C, Petridou E, Papatheodorou G, Kalafatis E, Karameris A. Can serologic detection of CagA positive Helicobacter pylori strains predict the presence of peptic ulcer in young dyspeptic patients? Gastrointest Endosc 1998. AGA abstract.

  • 18. Rokkas T, C.Liatsos, A.Karameris, et al. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) immunostaining and Nucleolar organiser regions (AgNORs) staining in Helicobacter pylori infection Impact of eradication. Gastroenterology 1997, 112(Suppl) A645.

  • 19. Scotiniotis IA, Rokkas T, Furth EE, et al. Reduced apoptosis in H.pylori-associated gastric intestinal metaplasia a factor in gastric carcinogenesis?. Gastroenterology 1998; 114: in press.


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